Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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The Main Thing for a Speaker is the Subject not the Style.

It is surprising how much you learn about a subject you thought you knew a lot about when you researched it to write a book That was the case with my recent book, “Mastering the Art of Communication, The Power of Precision Language.” It might surprise some that even more about a book's subject matter can be learned as research and planning go into marketing the finished book.

Stephen R. Covey is considered one of the most respected authorities on leadership, having authored “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” named the most influential business book of the twentieth century. When I considered that fact and also my personal experience with this author, his book seemed natural to consider as I looked at examples of what made up the most effective approaches and skills needed for effective communication.

Covey’s core message seems to be, “The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or do but who we are.” If the subject of a message is in conflict with who the messenger or speaker is it will be a problem but if the message fits the speaker it brings clarity and eloquence to the words used.

As I have searched for marketing ideas, I have asked myself, “How can I get the message across that mastering the art of communication isn’t accomplished with style, polish, and gimmicks but with authenticity? If the language is precise, it will reliably create honest insights. If approaches that use style and polish are natural and only compliment the message

I have considered Stephen R. Covey into the marketing of my book on communication and have done so to associate the book wit works and is what I consider an honest approach to the subject.

An example of this could be the use of eye contact, posture, and body language. Those skills will reinforce who the speaker really is but they won’t reinvent who the speaker is. If the speaker doesn’t believe what he is saying then delivery techniques will not save a failed result.

Covey said, “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” The main thing is not a person's eloquence. It is the value of the message.

“Content Matters”