Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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25 Ways to Find Inspiration and More

You are the source of your inspiration because whatever or whoever you seek to spark, the inspiration flows through your perception and history, and the twist you put on it becomes the final brushstroke.

“You are the source of your inspiration.”

You are the final filter for what inspires you, which opens up the potential influences to an infinite number. How you feel when you listen to music will not be created by the music but by how the music influences you. Instead, you recreate yourself as you seek inspiration, finding new ways to see your experiences.

25 sources for Inspiration, Finding Emotions and Feelings

Listen to music


Write your life story

Read the life stories of people you admire

Close your eyes

Read books

Pick a subject to search the internet about

Go for a walk

Surround Yourself with Positive People

Climb a mountain

Walk where there are Trees

Listen to the wind hit the leaves

Meditate and listen to silence.

Listen to your audience

Spend time with your family and friends

Go to a favorite place

Spend time looking at art


Mentors & Teachers 


Spend time with Children

Acts of Kindness

Going for a run

Spend time Reading

“You are the source of your inspiration.”