Why Do Musicians Retire - Video

Do Musicians Retire Only When They Lose the Music

What happens when our music runs out? Do musicians retire when that happens?  Louis Armstrong said that musicians don't retire, they only stop when there is no more music left in them.

Music is a connection between our physical self and our very souls. We feel the music. It reflects our heart. Music with scriptures are hymns. We worship through hymns. The feelings of our heart are conveyed in verbal prayer. Our bodies and faces reflect the images of happiness and sadness, with music opening those feelings.  Singing makes us better. Sometimes we sing for what we long for. We use music to help us get by without things wanted.

Louis Armstrong also said thatWhat we play is life”. What is that music that is our life? How did that music get to be inside us, the musician? Is it a song yearning for something, or is it a song celebrating something?

Philosophers are Self-Help Authors - Video

This video focuses on some thoughts about how Philosophers were and are Self-Help Authors. A good example of this was Aristotle who taught that happiness is the supreme practical good because it is perfect, final, self-sufficing, and complete. His teachings on this were a self-help approach to achieve this goal.

Check the Video out Click Below.

Why Philosophers are Self-Help Authors   

“Ancient Greece and Rome were cultures where Self Help Books were written by what we today refer to as Philosophers. Philosophy has a long and rich history, from ancient times to the present, and covers diverse topics such as ethics, logic, metaphysics, epistemology, politics, and general advice on living your best life. See the rest of this article in the content session.”

More on this Subject

According to Florida State University Philosophy Department: Quite literally, the term "philosophy" means, "love of wisdom." In a broad sense, philosophy is an activity people undertake when they seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships to the world and to each other.