The duties of the Coxswain are to provide leadership

The end of the boat closest to the start line is called the “stern,” and the opposite end pointing toward the finish line is called the “bow.” Coincidentally, the rower closest to the boat’s bow is called the “bow seat.” The seats are numbered from bow to stern, and the bow seat is called the “1 seat.

The leader sits in the stern and is called a Coxswain and is the athlete that steers the boat, calls the race plan, and motivates the rowers. Driving the vessel is done by making minor corrections in the rudder’s direction and ensuring all rowers are equally engaged.

Each rower is numbered by boat position in ascending order from the bow to the stern (except single sculls).

The stroke seat is the most important of the eight rowers. That individual can get everyone behind them and the engine room in a solid rhythm and get them to use their power efficiently. They also have a significant impact on the mentality of the boat.

In an eight-rower boat, each person has one oar—four on port and four on starboard. If one side pulls harder with their oars in the water than the other, the boat turns and tips. The boat tips if one side's oars are raised higher than the other. Every paddler has to drop into the water at the same time.

Self Improvement individually is likely not the key to success for a team; instead, team leadership has more potential value. If one person surprises the others, thinking they are only indulging in self-improvement, they can hurt the team, but the leader can direct coordinated improvement.

Don’t be a Pig (selfish): Pigs get Eaten

It can send a terrible message if you only feel satisfied if you get everything available in a relationship. Be careful not to send a message to those around you that you’re selfish. This is a trap everyone can fall into.

A salesperson with a perfect relationship with a buyer sometimes will ask for business he doesn’t have, with no apparent benefit offered. It can appear to suggest it is just expected because of the relationship. In a similiar situation, I recall a buyer who told this type of salesman:

“Don’t be a pig: pigs get eaten.”

Our selfishness can mean we hurt others as we ruthlessly strive to satisfy our needs. Self-centeredness can damage our reputation and lead to loneliness. It destroys families. Desire may make it easier for us to fall into traps like an addiction.

Leadership Matters: If it didn't it would work!

Leadership is the ability of an individual or group to influence and guide associates, followers, friends, and those they come in contact with, including other members of the organization. Leadership goals are essential and better plans attract people who want to help.

Leadership is not about working towards a goal single-handedly. Leadership is about inspiring and motivating people to work together towards a goal.

My hope for this sub-section under the “Life Development” tag is to focus on “Leadership.”

Leadership Characteristics

  • Integrity.

  • Ability to delegate.

  • Communication.

  • Self-awareness.

  • Gratitude.

  • Learning agility.

  • Influence.

  • Empathy

Don't set yourself up for Productivity Shame with Unrealistic Goals

Productivity shame comes from unrealistic goals and measuring your self-worth with achievements. Productivity measures the efficiency of a person completing a task expressed in numbers. Even your life is measured in numbers.

According to the United Nations, today’s average global life expectancy is 72 - 70 for men and 75 for women. If a person livers to age 69, another 17 years can be added to that total, and the life expectancy becomes 86 on average. In the United States, life expectancy in 2019 was 78.87 years, but if a person reaches the age of 69, that time is lengthened to 85 years on average.

Establishing how many years of a person’s life will be productive is subjective. Productivity can be a philosophy of life, a state of mind, or even someone’s opinion. Freeing yourself from productivity shame requires you to stop defining your self-worth by quantitative accomplishments.

Instead of setting a goal to do all you can, decide how much is enough for each undertaking. For your individual goals to be realistic, you need to be able to answer the question of why you want that goal. Then you need to recognize that making progress is enough and take satisfaction in doing just that.