Be the best that you can be, but be smart enough to know when you need help.

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Being the best that you can be, is good advice. In “An Essay on Man,” Alexander Pope said, “Act well your part; there all the honor lies. What happens if your position requires you to be more than you are?

An example of that might be if you are the lead in a project or a company and do not know the basics required to be in that position. In that situation, you should either move to a role you’re qualified for or immediately focus on what you need to learn.

Finding the right help can be a challenge. A coach can be a solution if you can identify the areas you need coaching. The right coach may require a complete and accurate needs assessment to determine if you need coaching and what your specific needs are.

Self-help books offer step-by-step coaching in the areas you have determined you are weak in, but you may need specific feedback regularly.

Be the best that you can be!

― Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man

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