8 tips that can help you stay relevant in the workforce.

Here are eight tips that can help you stay relevant in the workforce.

  1. Know How to Use the Tools You're Supposed to Use.

  2. Go to Trade Shows.

  3. Keep Up With the Latest Industry News.

  4. Understand Your Clients' and Customer’s Needs Better.

  5. Know What Makes Your Competitors Successful.

  6. Stay Social: Be easy to be around

  7. Specialize in Your Area, Not Everything.

  8. Join in conversations and listen.

Businesses and organizations must remain relevant in the marketplace. This means staying functional, innovative, and up with the times. This gives them a competitive advantage, but it won’t happen if the people working there don’t stay relevant.

5 Top Business Skills Plus 1

Top 5 Skills plus 1

Top 5 Skills plus 1

All 5 of these skills could be included under Leadership Skills. They are all Soft Skills. Companies want employees who can supervise and direct other workers.






Ok, but the #1 skill is “Integrity.”

The CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet, said: “We look for intelligence, we look for initiative or energy, and we look for integrity. And if they don't have the latter, the first two will kill you because if you're going to get someone without integrity, you want them lazy and dumb.” (Jun 29, 2021 quote)

How often do you see INTEGRITY MENTIONED in an article about finding a job, interviewing, or best job skills? Some might say in answer to that question, "Zero, that is just a given.” Is it? Is an excellent sales record, first place in production, or another skill more important than integrity?

Is anything more important? Of course not!