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"Connections and Why They Matter"
Most of what happens in our life will spark a connection. Life connects with what has been found in books. Books connect with what happens in life. Use the connections to help you see more clearly. A love of reading and writing is what motivated the creation of this blog. Thank you for coming to the blog.
King’s books are marketed as literary fiction, and for the past four decades, no single writer has dominated the landscape of genre writing like him. Even with his success, the respect of the literary establishment has always eluded King, and mainly from the beginning, King was dismissed as a 'genre writer.’ But really, is he polymorphous?
A reviewsaid about King: “However, King wasn’t just a horror writer that one could easily dismiss if they are not interested in the genre. Besides the fact that Stephen King managed to add depth to his novels and other tones of psychological terror, he is polymorphous.” ce, historical fiction, fantasy novels, science fiction, and more.”
”A look at the titles and genres of King's books confirms that his writing is indeed that of a polymorphous author because it has taken various forms, characters, and style”