Home, by Harlan Coben


It has been ten years since the kidnapping of two 6-year-old boys from two wealthy families. A ransom was demanded but then everything went quiet with no clues until now. An anonymous letter arrives telling of a sighting of the boys in a sleezy part of London. Myron Bolitar aided by his powerful friend Win are both friends of the families and they go to see if he can find the boys.

Fat Gandhi controls the area in London where the boys were seen in and before Myron can reach the boys he has to deal with the psycho. Eventually he finds Patrick, one of the boys and he returns to the United States.  

Is this the real Patrick, and where is the other boy Rhys? The lives of both families has really been destroyed over the years and Patrick’s return opens wounds with Rhys’s family. The story is about family, friendship, deceptions and the meaning of home.  It is #11 in Coben’s Myron Bolitar series. As expected from Harlan Coben the plot twists and turns and you have no answers to what has happened until the end and even then there are still surprises.

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“If you want to experience love, then you have to be ready for pain. One doesn’t come without the other. If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t have to worry about losing you. If you want laughter, expect tears.”

“Man plans and God laughs,”

“When you’re young you don’t get how great it is to be loved unconditionally.”

“Some people are conduits for misery.”

"A novel is like a sausage. You might like the final taste but you don't want to see how it was made."

“The homes were beautiful and picturesque and had all the warmth of a chain motel. ”"..

."better to have loved and lost" bullshit. Don't show me paradise and then burn it down." ~

Harlan Coben expounds on Writing! Does his net worth of 25 million give him insight?

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By Harlan Coben
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