Writing To Persuade, by Trish Hall


The former editor of the New York Times Op-Ed page tells us in the books preface she “was immersed in argument, in passion, in ideas.” The book promises help: “Whether you want to compose a convincing cover letter, pitch a story for publication, or win over a college admissions officer.

“Writing To Persuade” is a definitive resource on the neglected art of persuasion. The books 5 parts has, each with their own chapters, Part 1: Lessons From My Story, Part 11: What’s Your Story?, Part 111: Winning People Over, Part 1V: Tips On Writing, and Part V: The Psychology Of Persuasion.

Hall’s advise goes beyond just good writing, as she discusses the attitudes and methods that will persuade. Her writing feels good and the messages she wants to convey are clear. The book is creditable, in part, because Hall’s background is so solid, but also because it makes sense. I was surprised. I usually read books on reading just out of habit but this was a good experience.


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