Career Development Planning
Career development is the process of finding your footing in your professional life. This process involves assessing where you are now compared to where you want to be and creating a plan to get there.
It is the process of wanting a position and developing the skills, knowledge, and motivation to eventually pursue it. Sometimes, help in planning and gaining the skills comes from within a person's current employment. The first step is to have a written list of goals that are in sync in leading from the short-term steps to achieving the long-term goals.
The first step is to know what you want and then have some evidence that it will be something you could be happy and successful doing. To accomplish that, you must figure out what skills and circumstances will be needed if you achieve your goal. The second step will be to start a plan that will make you a good fit for your goal.
Start by listing what you enjoy doing in a work setting. Then, list your skills by drawing on all your past experiences. These lists need to be ranked from those you like best or are best at doing on the top to the least liked and skilled at.
The same approach can be used for other employment factors like salary, commute time, and work type, such as teams or working alone. When these are ranked with what you want most,t you will have three lists.
Finding the best career fit involves searching for jobs that fit the top preferences of each list. If you are missing an important skill or criteria, then working on those as short-term steps will be obvious.
Important Steps in the Process
Believe in Yourself
Never Stop Learning
Sharpen your People Skills
Expand your Network
Find a Mentor
Build your Reputation